An introduction to rank-polymorphic programming

Olin Shivers

18 September 2018 at 10:00AM WVH 166/168


Behind every interesting programming language is an interesting model of computation. One such example is the model of rank polymorphism, developed by Iverson for the programming languages APL and J, and for which he was awarded the Turing Award in 1979.

The rank-polymorphic computational model is interesting for several reasons:

In this talk, I will provide an introduction to the general idea of rank polymorphism, introducing the key mechanisms of (1) frame/cell distribution, (2) principal-frame replication, and (3) reranking (a form of typed eta-expansion). Then we will explore how these mechanisms work together when writing programs in a rank-polymorphic language.

Time permitting, at the end of the talk, I’ll briefly discuss recent work Justin Slepak, Panagiotis Manolios and I have been doing on developing a dependent type system that statically captures the structure of rank-polymorphic programs, for exploitation by compilers.

APL, the canonical example of a rank-polymorphic language, is also famous for its impenetrable syntax… none of which will appear in this talk.